Trump starts fourth year of government with 16,241 false or misleading claims.

Photo: AP

In 2017, Trump made 1,999 false or misleading claims. In 2018, he told 7,688 lies. And in 2019, he made 8,155 suspicious statements.

The Washintong Post has created a database called Fact Checker to analyze, classify and track every suspicious statement issued by the president of the United States, Donald Trump.

In 2017, Trump made 6 false statements per day. In 2018, the president said 16 false statements per day, and in 2019 more than 22 per day.

Since June 2018, Trump said: “The economy is the best it’s ever been in — we have never had an economy like this in history” and this false claim has been repeated more than 257 times. The economy today is not doing as well as it did under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Bill Clinton — or Ulysses S. Grant, said the digital media.

One in six claims is about immigration. The president of the United States has repeated 242 times «The wall is being built at a very rapid pace». Although Congress refused to finance the concrete barrier he imagined, Trump has tried to place fences and repair mainly existing barriers such as «a wall».

Trump repeated 184 times having approved «We had the greatest tax cut in the history of our country». Trump’s tax cut amounts to nearly 0.9 percent of the gross domestic product, even more than Ronald Reagan’s in 1981 (that tax reduction amounted to 2.9 percent of gross domestic product).

Source: The Washington Post

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