Evo Morales celebrates Plurinational State Day

Courtesy of Bolivian Presidency/Handout via Reuters.

In Bolivia, social and indigenous organizations commemorate the Plurinational State Day with demonstrations against the coup regime and in defense of the achievements attained by the former Morales government.

On Twitter, Former President, Evo Morales, said «We are the unstoppable force of a people that has decided never to go back. We have shown that another Bolivia is possible, a dignified and sovereign homeland»

Declaring the Plurinational State in 2010 through Decree 405, the Morales administration implemented laws in favor of native indigenous peoples marginalized during the neoliberal years (1999-2005) and regulations for social and economic development recognized by international organizations such as the United Nations (UN).

According to UN data, there are at least 5,000 indigenous groups made up of some 370 million people, living in over 70 countries.

The new holiday recognizes the inclusion and recognition of Indigenous peoples in the state life of the country, as well as the declaration of the 36 cultural nationalities indicated in the constitutional text.

The leader of the Six Federations of the Tropic of Cochabamba, Segundina Orellana, emphasized that the Añez administration concludes on January 22, she described as an insult the accusations of sedition against leaders and social organizations related to the Movement for Socialism (MAS) of the de facto government.

Source: Prensa Latina, TelesurEnglish.

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