CAL will analyze second request for impeachment against Minister Romo

One of the causes is the use of expired tear gas bombs against protesters during the national strike in October last year.

The president of the National Assembly, César Litardo, announced that next week the Legislative Administration Council (CAL) will analyze the request for a political trial against the Minister of Government, María Paula Romo, for the events of October.

This is the second request for political trial against the minister, after the Oversight Commission did not give way to the process for alleged non-compliance with functions regarding insecurity, non-compliance with the Law on the eradication of gender violence , the prison crisis, as well as the misuse of public goods.

The second request, also promoted by Roberto Gómez (exCREO) and Amapola Naranjo (RC), is for the events that occurred during the October 2019 demonstrations.

The causes are: the National Police used expired tear gas bombs against the protesters; the use of tear pumps in centers of peace and humanitarian reception; and for the alleged breach of duties “by calling late” to the Interinstitutional Committee for the Protection of Journalists and Communication Workers, due to the attacks of the Police against journalists.

Roberto Gómez reported that the grounds raised were recognized at the time by Romo and, in fact, -Gómez said-, apologized in pubic.

Source: Majestad FM, Twitter

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