Trial in case «Sobornos» stops until recusal is processed

The trial hearing was installed on the morning of Monday, February 10, and in the afternoon the Court accepted the request of the former president.

The judges of the Criminal Chamber of the National Court of Justice (CNJ), Dilza Muñoz Moreno, Wilman Terán Carrillo and David Jacho Chicaiza (rapporteur) accepted the challenge request filed by Fausto Jarrín, lawyer for former president Rafael Correa, against of judges Iván León, Iván Saquicela and Marco Rodríguez, members of the Court of Judgment in the «Bribes» case 2012-2016.

The Court of Appeal officially heard about the lawsuit at 4:39 p.m. on Monday, February 10, when the judges of the Court of Justice had already set up the respective hearing since the morning against 21 prosecuted for the crime of bribery. That list includes the former president.

Jarrín commented through his social networks that «the Court had to immediately accept the request for challenge before the hearing is installed, now they will be forced to suspend it.»

The judicial document also published by Correa’s defense states in his article 2 that “in the main, the demand for challenge presented is clear and precise” and adds that “it is appropriate and meets the legal requirements set forth in articles 27, 142 and 143 of the General Organic Code of Processes, therefore, it is admitted for special processing ”.

Jarrín raised the challenge by considering that the judges appointed for the trial were not competent and criticized alleged irregularities both in the form and in the times in which the court was announced.

The Court of Justice heard yesterday the arguments of the Office of the Prosecutor and the State Attorney General’s Office that indicated that they had evidence to prove the crime was committed.

Jarrín, for his part, insisted that arbitrariness was committed during the process. When asked if the challenge is intended to delay the case, he mentioned that he will exercise “all rights at his disposal”.

He said that part of the procedural notebooks were in the hands of another court, and this creates doubts «so you can not trust the court or its jurisdiction,» he said.

In an election year and according to the times, if the trial concludes with a final sentence before November, the former president could not be a candidate for the elections of 2021. However, Correa said that “the times will not reach them and for that reason they are in a hurry ”.

With this new legal action, the Court of Appeal will summon the judges of the Court of Justice to explain their actions during the process.

Source: Twitter, El Comercio, Pichincha Universal, redes sociales

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