Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, who shot to global fame for inspiring worldwide student strikes to promote immediate action against climate change, took her mission to the doorsteps of United States President Donald Trump with a protest outside the White House.
«See you next week,» she said toward the end of the event, referring to a planned Sept. 20 global «Climate Strike» in which youth and adults are encouraged to walk out of school or work to urge more action on climate change.
The demonstration marked the first high-profile event of Thunberg’s six-day visit to Washington intended to pressure the Trump administration and Congress ahead of a United Nations climate summit where world leaders will be asked to cut even more their carbon emissions to fend off global warming.
Thunberg has said she does not believe she can convince Trump or other climate change doubters that global warming is real, but hopes they will take briefings from “actual scientists and experts in this area.”
Sources: Reuters, The Hill, teleSUR.
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