INEC: Women spend three times more time on unpaid work than men

Photo: Fadep
Photo: Fadep

If unpaid work had a pay, it would represent 19.1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country; that is, USD 19,873 million.

The data is the result of a study conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), which was published on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.

This research collects statistics from the 2016-2017 period, about the time allocated to productive activities of the home and the community in which people do not receive financial compensation.

The report highlights that unpaid activities are mainly carried out by women. Unpaid work performed by women would represent about USD 15.099 million; that is, 75% of the total amount that would generate this type of activities. This is because women spend more time in these activities.

In 2017, for example, women 12 years of age and older devoted 31.0 hours a week to unpaid work activities, compared to 11.3 hours that men spent in the same period. That is, women spend three times more time on these activities.

«At all income levels there is greater participation of women versus men; however, at higher income levels, the participation of men increases, ”the document notes.

The INEC study also emphasizes that if other activities are compared, which equals unpaid work with respect to GDP (19.1%), the amount is higher. For example, the share of manufactures represents 14% of GDP and construction, 11%.

Unpaid work in the country is mainly concentrated in domestic household services activities, followed by social and health services, and recreation activities, says the research. (C.D.A.)

SOURCE: Pichincha Comunicaciones

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