Doctor on his way to work was assaulted in Quito

The doctor was helped by police personnel circulating in the sector.

A doctor was attacked by a man on the morning of Wednesday, March 25, while he was on his way to work at a health center located in the Historic Center of Quito, where patients with possible symptoms of coronavirus are received.

The doctor commented that after parking his vehicle in the Mama Cuchara sector, he walked down Rocafuerte street in the direction of his work. When he arrived at the Plaza de Santo Domingo, two men approached him with the intention of assaulting him, but thanks to the action of two policemen who were passing through the sector at that time, they were unable to carry out their action. However, he said that on the way, criminals insulted him and threw stones.

He added that when he arrived at the medical center, unexpectedly, one of the individuals threw a stone at his face with force, but luckily he did not hit him head-on.

He said that after the attack, the man fled but was finally apprehended near the viaduct on Avenida 24 de Mayo.

He reported that both he and the aggressor were treated at the health center and the victimizer was subsequently transferred to the Flagrancy Unit.

The doctor said that beyond the health emergency due to COVID-19, it is to these types of situations that they are also exposed.

He urged citizens to understand that their mission is to help even if they have to face this type of aggression.

He added that in the Flagrancy Unit they granted him eight days of medical rest, but what bothered him is that the legal process can only be started after the health emergency.

Source: El Comercio, social networks

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