209 companies failed to comply with provisions on working hours

The provinces with the highest case of non-compliant companies were Azuay with 58, Pichincha with 34, Guayas and Tungurahua with 16

From March 17 to April 06, out of 632 inspections carried out by the Ministry of Labor, 209 companies nationwide did not comply with the provisions regarding working hours, in the framework of the health emergency caused by COVID-19 .

The objective is to verify that companies comply with the provisions of Executive Decree No. 1017, regarding the suspension of working hours.

The 209 companies nationwide did not comply with the provisions contained in this Decree. Although there is no talk of sanctions, the State Portfolio reports that they ordered employers to comply with the Presidential order, among which were stationeries, hairdressers, mechanics, the construction sector, among others.

The provinces with the highest cases of non-compliant companies were: Azuay with 58, Pichincha with 34, Guayas and Tungurahua with 16, Manabí and Loja with 13 and Cotopaxi 12 companies.

Days ago, the Minister of Labor, Luis Poveda, stated that «we are experiencing a complex situation, however, the legitimate rights of both workers and employers are guaranteed», in addition to indicating that inspections will continue to be carried out throughout the national territory .

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