Curfew creates food shortages in Huaorani communities

Contact with urban centers made the population make rice and noodles part of their diet.

Nearly four thousand people of the Huaorani ethnic group have begun to feel the effects of the isolation derived from the health emergency caused by COVID-19. The lack of food they buy in urban centers worries them.

In a statement they warn that they suffer from a shortage of salt, rice, noodles, matches, soap and medicines.

They acknowledge that ancestral Huaorani lived by hunting, fishing and harvesting fruits, but contact with urban customs has made them dependent on products and food sold in stores.

The curfew, in addition, divided the Huaorani families, some remained in the countryside and others in Amazonian cities such as Shell, Coca and Tena and have not been able to return.

The Organization of the Huaorani Nationality of Ecuador estimates that more than 150 families are in the cities and to protect their families who stayed in the countryside they decided to stay there.

Gilberto Nenquimo, president of that organization, suggested that the coordination of the COE prepare a protocol of sanitary emergency for these communities, because many do not understand Spanish.

Source: The Universe, social networks

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