Fall in the price of cocoa motivates producers to declare the sector in emergency

Some farmers decided not to harvest. The banana farmers face a similar situation.

Given the fall in exports due to the price of the product in the international market, the country’s cocoa sector declared an emergency. This was announced by the representative of the National Association of Ecuadorian Exporters and Industrial Cacao, Víctor Orellana.

According to Orellana, 350,000 Ecuadorian families depend on the production of cocoa and its derivatives.

The crisis in this sector is evident when its price established by the New York and London Stock Exchange begins to fall. For example: between January and February of this year the ton cost USD 2,960, but in March the price dropped to USD 2,220. This reduction affected small farmers, causing a lack of liquidity in the production chain.

Banana farmers are going through a similar situation, who assure that importers from countries in Europe, Asia and the Middle East have reduced the purchase of the fruit.

In January they exported 37 million boxes of bananas, in February it began to fall and 33 million were shipped, finally in March 30 million boxes.

While the Government is analyzing the way to help them out of the crisis, some producers decided not to harvest the products.

Source: Ecuavisa, social networks

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