Conaie prepares alternative ways to protest if the withdrawal of subsidies takes place

«We are not going to provoke social upheaval, or paralysis, but actions from our homes,» stressed the president of this organization.

Jaime Vargas, president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), blamed the Government of President Moreno for any social reaction that may cause an eventual withdrawal of subsidies for fuels.

In addition, he explained that if this decision is made, they will protest, but respecting social distancing measures.

Vargas stressed that since October it was clear that the CONAIE will not accept other economic measures similar to Decree 883 and also warned that the Government’s intention is to take advantage of the crisis to impose its laws and political interests.

«That is a firm position of several organizations, we have already finalized the strategy to face this situation from our territories. Nor are we going to be undisciplined or disrespectful of the measures. The pandemic is not a game. «

 In the same way, he affirmed that indigenous peoples and nationalities will start with several protests, if the elimination of subsidies is specified, but they will not provoke a social upheaval or paralysis of services.

“There are various opinions. In Iran or Iraq there were demonstrations following the protocols, keeping the two meters away. We can sit on the tracks. Hang flags on the streets. I dont know. It is not defined. We are working for May 1st (Labor Day). ”

On the other hand, he indicated that the new economic measures promoted by President Moreno are focused on favoring the interests of the large economic groups and the Ecuadorian right, since no type of state aid has reached indigenous peoples.

To conclude, he explained that among the alternatives proposed by Conaie to face the economic crisis is renegotiating the external debt, because the payment of 324 million that was made last month did not serve to obtain financing from multilateral organizations.

«At a meeting of the National Collective, economists tell us that Ecuador is not on the list of countries to receive aid from the IMF and the World Bank. That means you will not have credit. This crisis is caused by the Government itself ”.

Source: El Expreso

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