Health personnel and scientists ask not to get out of isolation yet

Through a letter addressed to government authorities, health professionals, academics, scientists and public servants considered that the country is not yet ready to go from a phase of isolation to one of social distancing from May 4.

As professionals, they warned that minimum points of consensus should be established to consider sequential return scenarios.

They pointed out that given the “data deficiency”, it is necessary to observe the new contagions and mortality from the virus to make a decision and that for this it is vital to have sufficient evidence to process them.

They clarified that this instability in the data does not allow us to know with certainty the real state of the epidemic in the national territory.

«The instability of the data is evidenced by the inclusion of more than 10,000 new confirmed cases in the last days due to an increase in the capacity to process diagnostic tests by the State,» they mentioned and added that it is impossible to follow up on the curve. epidemic and that it is wrong to speak of a “flattening of the curve”.

Added to this is the fact that calls to 171 or emergency attention are not good indicators that the population impact of the epidemic is decreasing.

They considered that to maintain control, it is necessary to have the ability to confirm all cases suspected of having the disease and to carry out follow-up. Although they recognized that this task is complicated given the limitations that the Ministry of Health has in personnel due to the cuts made to this sector in recent years.

They praised the work of health personnel who are in the front line facing the epidemic and who are overflowing to be able to attend to more cases, despite the fact that the Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GAD) support the management

They urged the authorities that while the capacity to confirm cases is not ensured, isolation is guaranteed and the issue of return to activities is reconsidered.

They mentioned that it is necessary that the health service delivery system be able to respond to new cases that require hospital care and intensive care by making available beds and equipment necessary for care.

They also asked that if a return is sought, the minimum security conditions be met for people who would return to regular activities and their families.

They warned that a social protection plan is necessary to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 and confinement on the sectors of the population that need it most.

They urged the Government to participate in decision-making because technical-scientific criteria are required and not be disqualified.

The letter was signed by 88 people, both natural and legal.

Source: Letter from health professionals

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