Quito airport will start activities on June 1st

Quiport already has security protocols for passengers and collaborators. The national COE will decide whether to authorize the restart of activities.

 The Quiport Corporation plans to resume operations at Quito’s Mariscal Sucre Airport on June 1.

The organization developed protection protocols for passengers and collaborators in coordination with the airlines to restart activities.

Andrew O’Brian, director of Quiport, indicated that with the repatriation flights of people in the face of the crisis caused by the spread of the coronavirus, valuable lessons have been learned for airport operations that currently require health care measures.

According to a statement released by the Corporation, the tentative date to resume operations must be approved by the national Emergency Operations Committee (COE) in coordination with the cantonal COE of Quito, led by Mayor Jorge Yunda, the Metropolitan Public Services Company Airports and the General Directorate of Civil Aviation.

It was revealed that the crisis caused by the pandemic caused a 90% reduction in passenger flow, as well as a 65% drop in exports by air. This situation affected 8,500 jobs of the Corporation.

Luis Galárraga, Communication Manager of Quiport, stated that since January 30, measures to face the risk of the disease were applied with biosecurity teams.

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