Municipalities ask for dialogue with the national government to discuss resources and care for the population

The AME invites President Lenín Moreno to participate in a dialogue. The Government owes the municipalities more than USD 500 million.

The Association of Ecuadorian Municipalities (AME) invited the Government to dialogue, after owing more than USD 500 million to the municipalities.

According to the AME, monthly transfers to the 221 municipalities in the country total around USD 171 million.

Raúl Delgado, president of the Association of the Municipality of Ecuador (AME) and mayor of Paute (Azuay), asked the Minister of Economy and Finance, Richard Martínez, to participate in the Executive Committee of the entity that will take place this Wednesday, to coordinate the delivery of these resources.

«I have spoken with the minister and I know of his predisposition to participate in the session and to deliver the allocations to the municipalities so that we can continue serving the population in everything they need,» he said.

Delgado urged President Lenín Moreno to participate in this meeting, since all the approaches with the Government have been made at the ministerial level.

The burgomaster considered that it is not time to make provisions through a national chain, but to work for the safety and life of citizens.

The mayors propose a weekly evaluation to be clear about the situation in the cantons in the face of the health emergency caused by COVID-19.

This evaluation should include the behavior of the contagion curve, the capacity of attention in the health system, the taking of rapid tests for the detection of the coronavirus, the provision of biosafety equipment and the capacity of all public and private companies and of the productive sectors so that they comply with the guidelines for moving towards a safe economic recovery.

Source: AME, social networks

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