Coca river erosion threatens Coca Codo Sinclair hydro

A sinkhole puts the authorities on alert, because it could damage the infrastructure, as well as the road that connects to Quito.

The intake of the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric plant, located in the El Salado sector, between the provinces of Napo and Sucumbíos, is threatened by the accelerated erosion of the Coca River.

Authorities are on alert as this plant, considered the most important in the country, could be damaged.

Four years after its inauguration, the erosion of the Coca River is only 17 kilometers from the infrastructure.

On April 7, erosion destroyed the SOTE and OCP pipes. 15 days ago a sinkhole was registered and at the moment the hole already advanced about 500 meters.

According to the Ecuador Electric Corporation (CELEC), erosion could destroy the hydroelectric catchment in little more than a year, due to the speed with which it advances, of one kilometer per month.

The Electric Corporation plans to carry out stabilization works on the river bed, which is more torrential at this time of year due to the rainy season in the Amazon.

Another aspect that is under analysis is that the road that connects Quito with the provinces of Sucumbíos and Orellana is less than 90 meters from being damaged.

The pipelines would even be in danger since they are also threatened by erosion in the Quijos river bed, where variants are already being built.

Source: Ecuavisa, social networks

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