Pichincha lacks beds in IESS hospitals

The Ministry of Health indicated that beds are available in public medical centers.

The Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (IESS) reported that it needs beds throughout the Pichincha province due to the spread of the coronavirus.

For example, in the Hospital of the IESS del Sur, there are patients with COVID-19 who remain in chairs until a bed is vacated.

According to Social Security, May 18 was one of the most difficult days for Quito and for the entire province. On Monday, Pichincha had only one bed from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). In other words, in the entire IESS medical system of the province there was only one bed available.

Social Security staff commented that this type of availability is rotating because as well as patients enter there are also hospital discharges and deaths. In turn, there are patients who leave the Intensive Care Unit to go to hospitalization in the health center.

In non-Intensive Care beds there is also a rotating reality. On Wednesday, May 20, for example, there were 82 beds available throughout the province.

The Health Minister, Juan Carlos Zevallos, commented that there is availability of spaces in public medical centers, but did not specify data.

In addition, he said that if he were the mayor of Quito, he would have already arranged to go to the phase of social distancing. But that decision will be made by Mayor Jorge Yunda on May 26 after an evaluation of the spread of the disease.

Source: Expreso, social networks

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