Finance suspends budget cut for education

Nearly $ 100 million was the planned cut for higher education

The Ministry of Economy and Finance reported on May 21, 2020 that it is suspending the budget cut to higher education institutions, previously announced, while the Constitutional Court resolves a constitutional action filed by various sectors.

On May 13, the Plenary of the CC issued precautionary measures and ordered the suspension of any decrease in the budget for higher education, until the body adopts a decision.

Almost $ 100 million was the cut that Finance made for universities and polytechnic schools, due to the economic crisis derived from the impact of COVID-19.

Several universities announced the closure of careers, teacher layoffs and the suspension of enrollment due to lack of resources. In Quito, Guayaquil, Ambato, Cuenca, Guaranda and in other cities, students, teachers and workers protested despite the health emergency.

In addition to the CC, an Ambato Constitutional Guarantees judge, Jorge Enrique Arcos, reported another constitutional action against the cut of almost USD $ 100 million for higher education. The petition was presented by the president of the University Council and rector of the Technical University of Ambato, Galo Naranjo.

For this matter, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expressed its concern about the repercussions that the reduction of resources could have from a human rights perspective.

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