Nearly 4,000 people mobilized against the Government, confirms Minister Romo

She expressed concern about the risk of contagion from coronavirus.

 The Government Minister, María Paula Romo, reported that nearly 4,000 people, from different cities in the country, mobilized on May 25, 2020 against government measures, amid a health crisis.

She said that there were more than 50 protest points in different cities of the country. Some protested at the doors of some companies that have announced their closure, others in squares and city streets.

«Together, 4,000 people mobilized,» said Romo, mentioning that some of these demonstrations had no more than 20 people, while the largest occurred in Quito, with about 600 and 700 people.

For the minister, these protests could be a risk of contagion. In addition, she said that they will respect protests that comply with biosecurity measures and do not affect public or private property. «We had places that, with 100 people, were kept in squares respecting the distance.»

Quito’s protest was not like that. “It was an agglomeration that is not allowed. Some wore balaclavas, others wore no masks. We are concerned that they put the great effort to contain infections at risk, ”she said.

This Monday, collectives, unions, students, teachers, public officials and unionists took to the streets to demand health, education and decent work. They demand the closure of public companies, the approval of the Humanitarian Support Law, which, in their opinion, makes work more precarious, and the insufficient response of the Government to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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