More than 82.000 people were penalized for leaving during the curfew

The sanctions are with financial fines or jail.

From March 17 to June 4, 82,447 people have been punished for violating the curfew. This was reported by the Government Ministry.

Guayas, which has been the province hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic, registers 25,956 offenders. Pichincha follows with 20,094 offenders.

Since the gradual reactivation of activities began, the curfew has different schedules depending on the traffic light system.

Those who fail to comply with the measure must pay a fine of USD 100 the first time, if they repeat the amount it rises to USD 400.

In the event that they again affect the breach, the sanction will be jail.

The provinces of Tungurahua, El Oro, Los Ríos and Manabí register more than 3,000 offenders for the first time each, while Galapagos is the least penalized, with 163 cases.

Source: Ecuavisa, social networks

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