Senators request resignation of the vice president of Colombia

The senator, Gustavo Petro, asked for the resignation of the vice president of Colombia, Marta Lucía Ramírez, due to the scandal that links her to the alleged payment of the bail of her drug trafficker brother.

Some Colombian senators have asked this Thursday that the country’s vice president, Marta Lucía Ramírez, resign from her position in the Executive for an alleged payment of USD 150,000 as bail to remove her brother, Bernardo Ramírez, from a prison in the United States where He was found for a drug trafficking crime.

Bernardo Ramírez Blanco, 58, who in 1997 was arrested and sentenced under US criminal jurisdiction to four years and nine months in prison for heroin trafficking.

Other senators like Iván Cepeda Castro have also supported Petro’s statements with publications on social networks. On his Twitter profile, Cepeda shows a photo of the alleged payment of the fine made by the vice president.

For her part, Marta Lucía Ramírez, has denied these accusations, declaring to local media that her family never paid a bond, but that it was a guarantee as relatives.

The current president of Colombia, Iván Duque, and the former president and now senator, Álvaro Uribe, have supported the version of the vice president.

Source: Telesur

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