Abdalá Bucaram explains to the Prosecutor’s Office about gun possession

Abdalá Bucaram explains to the Prosecutor’s Office about gun possession

The exmandatario is investigated for alleged illicit trafficking in arms and ammunition.

Through videoconference, the Prosecutor’s Office receives the version of former President Abdalá Bucaram, as part of the proceedings within the fiscal instruction for the alleged crime of illicit trafficking in arms and ammunition.

Bucaram, who is under house arrest, explains the reasons why during the raid on his home, on June 3, personnel from the Prosecutor’s Multidisciplinary Task Force found a gun and ammunition.

That day, the agents also found more than 5,000 masks at the former president’s home, similar to those that the Teodoro Maldonado Carbo Hospital acquired with an alleged price premium.

For this other case, the Prosecutor’s Office also seeks a relationship with the now-prosecuted Daniel Salcedo, with whom Abdalá Bucaram Pulley, the former president’s son, would be a friend.

Source: Prosecutor’s Office and social networks

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