9 out of 10 Ecuadorians consider that the Government committed acts of corruption during the pandemic

Furthermore, 91% consider that the authorities are hiding information.

In a study published by the Argentine consultancy Trespuntozero on the political and health crisis in Latin America, it was found that 90% of Ecuadorians consider that the National Government has carried out acts of corruption during the health emergency caused by covid-19.

The people consulted were men and women over 18 years of age residing in each of the countries with internet access from a computer or smart mobile phone. The sample size was 1,000 people per country and the margin of error is 3.1%.

Most of the respondents consider that the Government authorities have committed acts of corruption in recent months, in which the health crisis in the country has developed.

In the same way, 91% of Ecuadorians believe that the National Government is hiding relevant information about the real situation that the country is going through.

Another part of the population considers that the Government is being authoritarian based on the Coronavirus situation.

On the other hand, 93.1% of the population considers that the situation of the coronavirus in Ecuador is very serious.

You can review the full study here:


Source: Trespuntozero

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