It would be prior censorship against the radio station.
Guild of Journalists of Pichincha (CPP) considers that Ecuador “would have committed a crime of prior censorship” when ARCOTEL ordered Pichincha Universal radio station to suspend its activities.
CPP directors state that it is an “attempt against the right to freedom of expression, sanctioned by the Constitution and international agreements, treaties, and conventions of Human Rights protection and the press as a whole.”
The union considers “a serious social situation that threatens human rights and press freedom in Ecuador.” They show “SOLIDARITY with Pichincha Universal journalists, who were harmed in their right to work and exercise of press freedom since the State of Exception does not justify the imposition of linking to official chains indefinitely.»
In addition, it “CALLS on the Government to immediately review and rectify the measures imposed by decree No. 883 as a trigger for economic, political and social distress in our country, as well as its concern about the effect that these measures have on the rights of communication workers.»
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