Bolivian TSE approves electoral calendar despite protests

The COB in rejection of this new postponement of the elections maintains the protests in different parts of the country.

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of Bolivia approved this Monday the electoral calendar for the elections on October 18, despite protests called by the Bolivian Central Workers (COB) and sectors related to the Movement to Socialism (MAS), who demand that Elections are held on September 6 as previously agreed.

«The Electoral Calendar was approved by Resolution 193/2020. The schedule respects the exclusion of the completed stages, extends the necessary deadlines to guarantee the exercise of citizens’ rights, ensures the development of the electoral process with the appropriate public health protection measures and guarantees the possession of authorities until December of this year ” , a TSE statement said.

The schedule includes the election on October 18 and an eventual second round on November 29. Likewise, it foresees the processing of data from the electoral roll for September 10 and the drawing of electoral juries for September 18, among others.

On the other hand, Bolivian citizens who reject this new postponement of the elections hold the protests in different parts of the southern area of ​​Cochabamba and block the roads that communicate with the west of the country. Blockades were also recorded in different areas of the city of La Paz.

The initiative was announced indefinitely by the COB and the Unity Pact last week to pressure the government to respect the date of the general elections and reject the TSE’s unilateral decision that set a new agenda for the elections.

Source: Telesur

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