Only in the first semester of 2020, USD 826,349 was spent
In September 2017, the President of the Republic, Lenín Moreno, issued Executive Decree 135, in which various guidelines were given to public entities in order to avoid various expenses that the Executive considered unnecessary.
This regulation called for rationalizing spending on adjustments in public sector buildings, but in the last 3 years more than USD 6 million was spent on this item.
Several entities requested authorization from «Real Estate» to make adjustments in public service premises, civil servants’ offices and work spaces. These expenses were reported, even during the health emergency derived by the coronavirus.
The Real Estate Management Service of the Public Sector reported that between January and June of this year USD 826,349 were spent to remodel and adapt facilities of public companies and state banks.
Banecuador, as an example, spent more than USD184,000 to adapt its branches in Palora and Taisha. The Quito Electric Company paid USD 515,716 in the first half of this year for the remodeling of its three facilities in the valleys and south of the city.
For its part, the National Telecommunications Corporation (CNT) spent USD 125,648 for renovations in the first half of 2020.
In 2019, the State spent more than $ 2.3 million on renovations. Entities such as the Central Bank, the Ecuadorian Standardization Institute (INEN), CNT and the company Eléctrica Quito changed part of their facilities.
Originally, the request for resources was for USD 2.8 million, but Inmobiliaria detected that there were excessive values of USD 500,000.
In 2018, spending was lower but there were more entities involved.
The Civil Registry, the Riding and Riding Unit of the National Police, the Ministry of Housing, the Presidential Protection Service, the Superintendence of Land Management, the Ministry of Agriculture, Banecuador and the CNT used resources to readjust their premises for more USD 1 , 5 million.
The amount of USD 6 million is completed with USD 1.4 million spent between September and December 2017, after Moreno issued the “Austerity Decree”.
This expense could be higher, since the latest state savings report, published by Real Estate, highlights that the expenses made by public entities for minute purchases for readjustments are not known.
Source: Presidency Decrees – Express
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