More than 9,000 employees work with reduced working hours

With the pandemic, companies took advantage of the reduction in working hours and others made emerging contracts.

According to data from the Ministry of Labor, 1,120 companies applied the emergent reduction of 50% of the working day to 9,319 workers, from June 22 to August 3.

This figure appears in the Humanitarian Support Law, published in the Official Gazette on June 22. That same day, reductions to the ordinary or part-time workday were generated.

A day later, through a Ministerial Agreement, the conditions for the emergent reduction were established.

With this, the worker’s compensation will be paid in proportion to the hours worked and may not be less than 55% of the value established before the reduction.

Likewise, the contribution to Social Security will be paid on the hours established in the reduced shift.

To this was added that the figure can be applied for up to one year from its registration in the Unified Labor System (SUT) and can also be renewable for the same period only once.

The provinces with the highest number of reduced working hours are: Pichincha with 5,166 cases and Guayas with 1,787. The others have less than 1,000 cases, such as: Tungurahua (656), Azuay (361), Manabí (284), El Oro (178), Galapagos (158), Imbabura (107), Loja (105), Cotopaxi (92), Los Ríos (90), Chimborazo (58), Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas (55), Orellana (51), Carchi (35), Santa Elena (34), Esmeraldas (33), Cañar (17), Sucumbíos (16), Pastaza (13), Napo (10), Bolívar (6), Morona Santiago (6) and Zamora Chinchipe ( one).

The areas: manufacturing, wholesale and retail, repair of motor vehicles, accommodation and food service activities, scientific and technical are those that have been forced to cut the working day by half.

The statistics of the State Portfolio also show that 671 companies have added 2,638 workers to their payroll under the emerging contract. Another figure of the Humanitarian Law and that was also regulated through a Ministerial Agreement.

Pichincha became the province with the most emerging contracts (1 125), then Guayas (510), Azuay (244), Los Ríos (180), Manabí (179), Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas (126), Cotopaxi (83) , El Oro (56), Tungurahua (54), Chimborazo (20), Cañar (19), Imbabura (13), Esmeraldas (12), Loja (7), Orellana (3), Carchi (2), Sucumbíos (2 ), Galapagos, Santa Elena and Zamora Chinchipe (1).

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