Electoral processes in Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador will be observed by the Puebla Group

Former Foreign Minister Guillaume Long is in charge of observing what happens in Ecuador.

The Puebla Group announced the creation of its Electoral Observatory for electoral elections in Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador.

This political and academic forum made up of representatives of the Ibero-American political left, founded in the Mexican city of Pueblo on July 12, 2019, resolved to have observers in the elections in Bolivia and Ecuador, as well as in the next constituent plebiscite in Chile.

The meeting was moderated by Camilo Lagos, president of the Chilean Progressive Party, who pointed out that there is a common denominator in these countries and that they are governments led by the right, in which there is strong conflict, deep repression, and the democracy.

The event was broadcast on Facebook Live and included the participation of the former Ecuadorian Foreign Minister, Guillaume Long; the Bolivian senator, Adriana Salvatierra; the Brazilian jurist, Carol Proner; and the senator of Paraguay, Esperanza Martínez.

Long, as the person in charge of the process in Ecuador, celebrated the initiative to create the Electoral Observatory of the Puebla Group, especially in difficult times that Latin America is going through.

He commented that it is essential that attention be paid to the electoral issue, not only on election day, but also during the campaign.

He said that in six months there will be elections in Ecuador, but that already there is an electoral fraud that is brewing, because a political persecution and party ban is underway.

The senator of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Adriana Salvatierra, on the other hand, pointed out that her country is experiencing a communication war, in which communication apparatuses and political leaders are building a scenario of dictatorship.

She argued that the legal war has also taken on other dimensions, as she recalled that at the beginning the persecution of political leaders of progressive projects in Latin America such as Rafael Correa, Cristina Fernández, Lula Da Silva and Evo Morales was denounced.

She added that, at present, these are beginning to take on another dynamic, in which the legal sphere is used to close democratic channels.

Carol Proner, member of the Latin American Council for Justice and Democracy, commented that one of the commitments of the Puebla Group is to analyze the justice systems and their commitment to democratic coercion processes.

She argued that there are new processes of institutional breakdown, a coup, as well as media and legal coups, in which the judiciary is fighting corruption at the same time.

In this context, the senator of Paraguay, Esperanza Martínez, insisted that it is essential to monitor the electoral processes and especially the democratic institutions, in order to guarantee the rights of all citizens.

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