The news portal Cubadebate announced on Thursday that the US technology corporation Google closed the account on that platform to the Cuban news program Mesa Redonda. In this way, the news space had its YouTube channel closed because it allegedly «violates export laws.»
Both media denounce that the suspension of their accounts is due to an alleged violation of ‘export laws’ and, as a consequence, all the content published there for years disappeared from the social network.
Roundtable is a project that has been in charge of bringing information to Cuba and the world from December 1999 to the present. It is broadcast on Cuban National Television and on teleSUR in its International Roundtable version.
The website Cubadebate, which leads the broad audience program in the country, denounces on its website that this fact is an example of how the United States’ blockade against the island extends to all areas, including cyberspace.
The cancellation of social media accounts of the Cuban media has become frequent, especially on Twitter, where only since 2019 was the account of the Roundtable, of Cubadebate, of the Union of Young Communists, of the Prensa Latina news agency suspended and recently from the newspaper Juventud Rebelde.
Source: Prensa Latina, Telesur
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