Transporters protested in Cuenca and Loja

Several dozen owners of intercantonal and interprovincial buses protested in Cuenca and Loja. They demand that the authorities of the cantonal Emergency Operations Committees (COE) and the National Transit Agency (ANT) return to their work.

This public transportation union has been unemployed for more than five months due to the covid-19 health emergency. In the two cities, protests were concentrated around the land terminals.

In Cuenca, transporters protest for the fourth time in the last three months. These buses closed Gil Ramírez Dávalos and España avenues and others circulated all the time, which generated a strong traffic congestion. Personnel from the Mobility Company of the City Municipality and the National Police intervened in the sector.

The cooperatives that actually supported this measure are: Súper Semería, Express Sucre, Azuay, Turismo Oriental, San Luis and Súper Taxis Cuenca, which offer their services to the provinces of El Oro, Guayas and Pichincha. Whose destinations with a greater flow of daily passengers represents better economic income.

The partner of Express Sucre, Orlando Cabrera, expressed the critical situation they are experiencing because they do not have to survive and less to pay their bank loans, for the renewal of their cars.

A month ago, the Cuenca COE and the ANT opened the Cuenca-Azogues, Cuenca-Loja and Cuenca-Paute routes, this land terminal was one of the first in the country to be enabled with all the biosecurity protocols issued by the national COE.

But in Loja, the measure in fact had the support of school transporters to ask that private banks give them a year of grace to continue with the payment of loans since they do not have income to pay their debts.

This march reached the Government of Loja, where the leaders presented their demands and proposals in the face of the crisis, to the governor, Lorena Costa.

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