Correísmo candidate leads the vote intention for presidential 2021, according to CELAG

The second most popular option is the former vice president, Otto Sonnenholzner.

The Latin American Strategic Center for Geopolitics (CELAG) published its study on the political and social panorama of Ecuador. In this publication, they made a measurement on the intention to vote for the presidential elections that will be held in the country in 2021.

The study was carried out on men and women over 16 years of age who live in urban and rural areas of 50 different localities in 17 provinces. The margin of error for this study is 2.19% and the level of reliability is 95%.

CELAG places the correísmo candidate as the main electoral option for Ecuadorians for the year 2021. In this survey, the representative of the Citizen Revolution obtained 31.4% of the intention to vote, followed by the former vice president of the Republic, Otto Sonnenholzner, with 27.3% and in third place the leader of CREO, Guillermo Lasso, tied with the candidate of the indigenous movement.

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