The needs of the internet and computers in remote areas make many students think about abandoning their studies.
Students from rural areas face serious difficulties at the beginning of a new school term. The lack of computer technology and the Internet, leads them to think twice about continuing their studies.
In the parishes of Zumbahua, in Cotopaxi it is known that in the rural sector the education system is very complicated, hundreds of students cannot receive them.
A student from the area, Darwin Ante, admits that «I don’t learn anything», now that they have no internet connection.
For the population in Zumbahua, the situation is complicated at the beginning of the school year in the mountains. In the Michacala commune there is no internet, nor access to computers, which limits the possibility of continuing studies for students from those communities.
The boys must go out to the populated centers where there is an internet signal to download their school activities, then return home to do them. Virtual classes are the permanent failure since telecommunications do not exist.
The same communities propose that classes be normalized at the rural level in order to avoid the gaps in studies for students in these areas, in the educational system.
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