Ecuadorian Prefect denounces procedural fraud by authorities

Photo: Pichincha Universal

Prefect of Pichincha denounced the political persecution that lives in her country, with the Government of Lenín Moreno.

The prefect of Pichincha, Paola Pabón, presented this Thursday a complaint of procedural fraud against the provincial prosecutor Alberto Santillán and the lieutenant colonel of the National Police Carlos Albán.

According to the official, the authorities have presented a document with false and unsubstantiated information, which also «is chronologically untimely within the process for the alleged crime of rebellion.»

She adds in her Twitter account that the document does not have any legal endorsement and induces «deception, as determined by the criminal type.»

Pabón, who has described the event as political persecution, has been complying since December 2019 with the obligation to appear periodically before the authorities, use of electronic shackles and prohibition of leaving the country. However, she was recently called to require a change in measures on the grounds that she could request asylum at the Mexican embassy.

This fact was also condemned by the union of 23 prefects of the country, who assured that despite the hard times that the country is going through, Pabón continues day by day fulfilling the task entrusted by the people

In this regard, the Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador (Congope) assured that it will reject any action that affects the dignity and rights of the country’s prefects. «We urge that impartiality prevail in the Justice System and that its resolutions be framed within the adequate proportionality while the investigations are carried out.»

He stressed that the representatives of the position held by Pabón «are popularly elected authorities and we work in our respective provinces under very adverse conditions in each of the provincial powers, despite not having the economic resources, and without support from the Central Government, reason for which we request that our representation be respected ”.

They also urged the competent authorities to maintain an open and transparent dialogue with the Prefectures, in order to promote a coordinated effort to fight corruption, for the good of the country.

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