Colombian social organizations protest against the Duque government and decree 1174

Decree 1174 makes the labor force precarious, since it affects workers with formal labor ties.

Colombian labor centers called for a national strike this Monday in the main cities of the South American country, in rejection of Decree 1174 by means of which the so-called social protection floor is established and promotes changes in the labor regime.

The workers’ organizations are also protesting against the State’s $ 370 million loan to Avianca Holdings airline.

The Unitary Central of Workers (CUT) pointed out that Decree 1174 makes the labor force precarious, since it affects workers who have formal labor ties. The CUT specified that this initiative approves hourly hiring, promoting labor outsourcing and removing the obligation of employers to assume social security payments.

“We reject the way in which the president has taken the pandemic to assume a dictatorial position. He has issued decrees such as 1174, which practically makes a labor reform, something that does not concern him. What you must take on are the lives that have been lost to the dark forces and Covid-19. That is why we overflowed into the streets, ”said the president of the CUT, Diógenes Orjuela.

Likewise, the General Confederation of Workers (CGT) indicated that the Colombian president, Iván Duque, is taking advantage of the health crisis produced by the coronavirus pandemic to impose a series of reforms within the framework of an economic package.

For his part, the president of the Colombian Workers’ Confederation (CTC), Miguel Morantes, commented on his Twitter account that the president “Duque is taking advantage of the pandemic to carry out a covert labor reform, taking advantage of the fact that there are no protests. We are legalizing informality ”.

Source: Telesur

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