They also question Maria Paula Romo’s statements about the alleged “attempted coup d’etat.”
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) recalled that several of the measures announced by President Lenin Moreno “were already proposed more than two years ago when the dialogue tables with the Indigenous movement were installed but their ideas were never heard.”
Jaime Vargas considers that government measures «are desperate in the face of popular rejection and show no willingness to discuss structural problems.»
Among the measures, there is the registration of vans and motorcycles in the field, credits, collection centers and fairs for direct sale of producers, reopening of more than 500 rural schools and the review of Ser Bachiller (Be Bachelor) exam.
The indigenous movement also criticized that Government Minister Maria Paula Romo maintains “the mounted and impertinent version of the ‘attempted coup d’etat’ when the facts, versions, and elements collected even by international entities determined that it meant the Ecuadorian people action before the disastrous economic and political management of the government.”
They believe that it is sought to “minimize and discredit social unrest in the face of neoliberal policies and the IMF agreement which Ecuadorians strongly reject since the 1990s. Lenin Moreno imposed a fatal blow to popular sectors with Decree 883, which will pass to the history as the spearhead of the return to neoliberalism.”
Source: Pichincha Universal.
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