Woman raped by eight men in Santa Elena will undergo hysterectomy for mutilations in her private parts

In this operation, the woman’s uterus will be removed due to the cuts she suffered during sexual abuse

The 45-year-old female singer, who was raped by eight men on January 27, 2020, after appearing at a solidarity event in Santa Elena, will be intervened for a hysterectomy operation that involves the removal of her uterus.

According to her relatives, “the woman does not want to talk to anyone, she just goes crying and screams that it hurts, that it burns and that she can no longer endure the pain. She was damaged inside by cutting her intimate parts, to the point that it requires an operation to remove the uterus. ”

The incident occurred in the Vinicio Yagual sector of José Luis Tamayo, in the province of Santa Elena, after the presentation of women at a charity event.

It was known that when leaving the place, the woman took a taxi and the driver to see her sweating offered a handkerchief to dry her face, but after minutes she was slowly losing consciousness. Not content to rape her sexually over and over again, her private parts were cut with a scissor. She bled out and unconscious abandoned her on a sidewalk, where passersby found her.

“When she woke up she was in an abandoned house and was attacked by at least eight subjects, including the taxi driver. They not only raped her, stole her and beat her. These men acted with malice, with viciousness, they used a scissors with which they made cuts in the form of X in their private parts, ”said their relatives.

So far, the Police and the authorities do not have certain clues that allow them to find the rapists. In addition, the relatives of the woman rejected the statements of the provincial prosecutor, Edmundo Briones, who would have indicated that: “This case should not cause alarm in the Peninsula because it is a place to rest, because the province of Santa Elena is still a quiet place and low in crimes. ”

According to official INEC figures (2004-2018), 90% of the violations that end up in hospitalization occur in women and of these, more than 40% are in children under 12 years.

Source: Extra / La Hora / INEC

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