Entrance of transport service from Ecuador to Colombia by coronavirus is prohibited

Carchenses taxi drivers were unable to enter Colombia via the international Rumichaca bridge this Thursday morning.

 Health authorities in Colombia have reinforced biosafety measures in order to prevent the entry of infected by the coronavirus from Ecuador.

This morning, March 5, the entrance of taxis and vans that arrive from Tulcán by the international bridge of Rumichaca to the parking lots of the Colombian side was prohibited.

All travelers heading to Colombian territory will have to disembark on the Ecuadorian side and walk 300 meters to the binational viaduct and take the Colombian public transport service.

This restriction has been taken against the vehicles of Ecuadorian license plates that transport passengers and not vice versa. Immigration officials announced very early to the taxi drivers from Carcha who cannot enter Colombia, as they had been doing for more than two decades.

Fences were already placed in the middle of one of the bridges, which enables a single lane of the three existing ones. All citizens must present their identity documents.

Source: El Universo

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