Baños de Agua Santa runs out of police

The Mayor restricted access to five police officers so that they remain isolated in the Police School

 The National Police Command decided to withdraw the uniformed personnel who work in the Baños de Agua Santa canton, in the province of Tungurahua, as they did not have the necessary guarantees to work.

The measure was adopted after the attitude of Luis Silva, mayor of Baños, who, accompanied by other canton authorities, prevented the passage of a vehicle in which five uniformed men were transported to the Police School that operates in the town, so that they comply isolation after having had contact with people who tested positive for COVID-19.

Despite the fact that the burgomaster emphasized that he is not against the National Police, he stated that as baneños they were not going to allow the gendarmes to reach the Police School because of the risk that this represents.

Police Commander General, Patricio Carrillo, stated that the gendarmes were ordered to leave the town in view of the fact that it is not known how the community will react to defend their rights and support the Mayor.

He described the decision made by Baños Emergency Operations Committee (COE) as irresponsible, since it would go against the rights of the uniformed men who are carrying out their task of monitoring and caring for the community.

Mayor of Baños indicated that while he was in control of the Los Pájaros sector, he received a call from the Minister of Government, María Paula Romo, who allegedly threatened him with a legal process for the decision to prevent the police from entering Baños.

The transfer would be due to the fact that at a national level there would be a provision that the Police Training Schools should serve as shelters for the isolation of the uniformed personnel.

Meanwhile, on his Twitter account, Romo published that what happened in Baños is inconceivable.

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