Mass tests in Chile to detect asymptomatic patients with coronavirus

In this country there are 7,917 infected and 92 deaths due to this pandemic

This Tuesday, April 14, 2020, the Chilean Government announced to the public that, from next Friday, they will carry out massive examinations to detect cases of asymptomatic patients with COVID. 19.

 Through the performance of these tests, we seek to identify people who had the virus without knowing it. Since these people have already developed antibodies, they could get rid of the quarantines.

According to health authorities, these tests will measure the presence of antibodies against the disease and, if positive, people will not need to be quarantined or subject to any type of restriction.

Health Minister Jaime Mañalich clarified that these citizens “may return to work or study. These people are immunized, they will not get sick again and they will not infect others.

The official said that several international investigations and studies report populations that developed the disease without presenting symptoms and that have specific defenses against the virus, especially children and young people.

In this way, the Government purchased nearly a million antibody tests and will begin to apply them to people who work with older adults, penitentiaries or places where the quarantine has been lifted.

In this context, according to the latest balance of the Ministry of Health, in Chile there are 7,917 infected and 92 deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, this country has a low mortality rate, however, due to the number of infections, it is the second state, in South America, with the highest number of positive patients with this pandemic.

Source: DW

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