The Ministry of Economy set the guidelines not to hire. Personnel with occasional contracts are targeted, as well as those who belong to entities that are in the process of closure, merger or absorption.
The Ministry of Economy established the budgetary guidelines for the second quarter of this year, which include the separation of personnel, especially those who signed contracts this year.
By means of a circular signed this Thursday, April 16, which is addressed to the «highest authorities of public sector entities», the State Portfolio ordered that hiring, training processes, consultancies and the provision of professional services are prohibited.
In the case of the higher hierarchical level, whose positions remained vacant and were not filled during the first quarter, they will continue to maintain the same condition, but the authorities must issue a delegation of functions agreement.
Something similar will happen at the operational levels to delegate functions to another server in the same area or make internal administrative movements to cover the institutional need.
In the case of occasional service contracts and provisional appointments that were planned and scheduled until March, they will be dissociated in accordance with current legal regulations, the entity being prohibited from seeking replacement with an external professional, applying for this situation the provisions set forth above, to delegate the functions, activities or responsibilities to another person.
Likewise, when the occasional service contracts and / or provisional appointments are terminated, the ministry clarified that they will not be able to hire again.
In this sense, the entities must abstain from requesting the creation of positions, the revision of classification manuals and the valuation of positions or any other type of action or movement that generates a budgetary impact or involves additional financial resources.
In order to better organize this situation, requests were made to report the budget parameters for staff expenditures in a documented manner to the Ministries of Economy and Labor.
In relation to the processes of closure, merger and absorption arranged by Executive Decree, the institutions must initiate the optimization of the occasional service contracts of those positions or functions that are duplicated, as well as, with the termination of the contractual relationship of the positions. at the higher hierarchical level, since in no case are these positions subject to transfer from one entity to another. However, officials from other institutions will be able to support front-line institutions in the emergency response process.
Under this scheme, the institutions will suspend the authorizations for the payment of additional and overtime hours for the workers and servants of the public institutions during the time of application of telework, as it is not considered in the regulations of the Ministry of Labor. Health professionals and activities related to the health emergency are exempt from this provision.
Just to face the pandemic and after a thorough analysis, Finance may make a reform or allocate resources depending on the needs of the entities considered in the front line, the rest should refrain from starting contracting processes. In this group are: Health, Internal Security, National Defense, Social Welfare and Risk Management.
In addition, a deadline was given until April 24 for all entities to review the agreements signed with other levels of government, with the private sector and with international organizations for quotas, in order to cover their needs or make a deferral of the monthly payments.
Until that date, the contracts for the leasing of real estate will be reviewed and negotiated downward and the use of all state assets will be coordinated with the Real Estate Management Service of the Public Sector.
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