Ecuadorians concerned about lack of employment

From January to March, 4,355 people collected unemployment insurance. This benefit covers up to 550,000 people.

In addition to health, employment also worries Ecuadorians. This is revealed by a survey by Advance Consultora.

According to the study, 77% of citizens believe that employment will decrease in the next three months (April, May and June) and only 14% think that it will keep it.

In the midst of this health emergency generated by COVID-19, changes are being made to unemployment insurance, an option that affiliates who have been disengaged can access.

The Government is preparing a plan whose purpose is to amplify coverage and reduce collection times for this insurance, which is part of a bill that is already in the hands of the National Assembly.

Last Wednesday, the Minister of Finance, Richard Martínez, proposed to reduce the collection of unemployment insurance from 60 days to one day: USD 280 per month (70% of the unified basic salary) for five months.

From January to March, 4,355 people collected unemployment insurance. According to Martínez, it is 25% more in relation to the same period of the previous year.

The Secretary of State plans to expand the coverage of beneficiaries: affiliates in a dependency relationship, independent workers without a dependency relationship and voluntary affiliates residing in the country.
Only affiliates who have voluntarily resigned would be exempt from the fee.

This insurance has coverage of up to 550,000 people, more than the 508,000 estimated by the Government to be in that situation as part of the impacts generated by COVID-19.

Lenin Duque, a specialist in the labor area, recommends changes in the number of contributions, which are now required to have a minimum of 24 non-simultaneous contributions and the last 6 consecutive ones to access this benefit.

The also expert in labor issues, Carlos Araujo, recommends that people who entered the past two, three and four months be included.

At this point, Duque considers it convenient to include the workers who were separated under the figure of number 6 of article 169 of the Labor Code, referring to the termination of the contract by force majeure.

Source: El Universo, social networks

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