«We cannot close our eyes to reality. Sirs, mayors, make decisions, ”he said.
President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, made a call to the 221 mayors of the country: Open the economy, said the President, because all the cantons decided to start the new stage of social distancing in red.
At the beginning of the new stage, from isolation to distancing, the Government’s objective was to reactivate the economy, in the midst of the health emergency caused by COVID-19.
The cantonal COEs decided to start in red; that is, with all the restrictions that were maintained and only online commerce was opened. “We have left in your hands the decision to choose the color of the traffic light. More than 50 days ago we made the correct and opportune decisions ”, he added.
Today, he said, we have to face another challenge: taking care of employment and productivity. «They cannot allow the economy to operate clandestinely and informally, that is irresponsible regarding the future of the country,» he added.
He referred to possible cases of corruption in various hospitals in the country. «We will be relentless against corruption,» he said.
In addition, he said that USD $ 640 million are available from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as the disbursement of USD $ 500 million from the World Bank and USD $ 300 from the Andean Development Corporation. In total, he said, it is more than USD $ 1.4 billion for the economic recovery.
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