In a statement they question the government for the application of regressive measures that violate the rights enshrined in the Constitution.
Teachers, students and other actors of the Guayaquil Higher Education System formed the University Forum in Defense of Education, in order to reject the budget cut to which public universities have been subjected.
The Forum indicated that the only thing they want is to strengthen the public higher education system «that has been violated by multiple abuses by the State», due to a budget cut of more than 100 million dollars.
The group mentioned that in the absence of resources, higher education centers will have to analyze the separation of teaching and administrative personnel, not to mention the projects that will not be carried out and that translates into poor educational quality and job insecurity.
University students and professors insisted that this measure announced by the Government will not even allow the development and implementation of alternative virtual teaching methods necessary during the pandemic.
The statement indicates that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are joining this fight because they are aware that fewer young people with limited resources will be able to access the scholarships offered with financial support from the State.
This protest is also directed in defense of those who chose public education as a way to direct their life project and which is being violated today.
For the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at the United Nations, through education human rights and democracy are promoted and it is one of the best financial investments that States can make.
They reminded the Ecuadorian State that education is conceived by the Constitution as a human right that contemplates a strategic axis for national development and that it will be free until the third level of higher education.
They explained that the Constitution also states that the education sector will not be subject to a budget cut, even in an emergency context.
For the University Forum, the measures taken by the Ministry of Finance are totally unconstitutional because they are intended to exercise regressive measures that unreasonably nullify the exercise of rights.
In turn, the union resolved to support all student initiatives that call for social protest with biosecurity measures and urged the Government to ensure the safety of students and teachers.
They also proposed as an alternative to face the crisis: collect a contribution of 0.0042% on the assets of each company in tax haven, raising around USD 1,418 million; restrict imports of luxury goods; and execute a moratorium on external debt for at least 3 years.
To this request they added a basic income financed by a capital tax of the companies that received income greater than USD 1 million, as well as a review of the transfers made by the Central Bank.
Finally, they called on the Government to make decisions in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
Source: University Forum In Defense Of Education
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