The Ombudsman’s Office asks the Ministry of Defense to eliminate the decree that allows the use of force against protesters.

The entity announces that it will demand unconstitutionality, in the event that its request is not accepted.

The Ombudsman, Freddy Carrión, questioned the decision of the Defense Minister, Oswaldo Jarrín, regarding the regulation of the progressive, differentiated and rational use of force by the military.

In a statement, Carrión made reference to article 158 of the Constitution that establishes that the Armed Forces and the National Police are institutions for the protection of the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens.

In addition, he pointed out that the Armed Forces have as their fundamental mission the defense of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In this context, it rejected Article 5 of the Regulations, which empowers the use of force «during the course of military operations, when circumstances so require and / or during a state of emergency.»

For the Ombudsman, the use of force from the state apparatus must be directly related to the protection of the right to life, which is recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In addition, the entity insisted that there are evident constitutional and legal omissions that do not comply with the protection of the human rights of the people and that rather it equips the Armed Forces with an instrument that guides its members to the use of force in demonstrations. , meetings, riots and other situations of internal violence.

According to the Ombudsman’s Office, the Regulation assumes that demonstrations and meetings are comparable to acts not permitted by law.

For all the aforementioned considerations, the entity indicated that if the request for the repeal is not accepted, a claim of unconstitutionality will be established before the Constitutional Court.

Finally, he held the Ministry of Defense responsible for «any abusive use of force that takes place in the context of possible social demonstrations during the state of emergency.»

Source: Social networks

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