Ecuador registers 590 thousand layoffs in the context of the health emergency

Pichincha is the province where the working day has been most modified. It is even the one with the most untimely layoffs.

With the change to social distancing, companies once again modify their working hours.

Some people who were under the telework modality are now summoned to resume their activities in person.

Angie Alvarado after staying two months with teleworking had already adapted to that routine, but since Guayaquil passed to social distancing, she has had to accept new rules, like other people who even had their schedules changed.

According to the Ministry of Labor, 32,954 workers had their working hours changed until May 27.

Before cities begin to change to social distancing, there was an increase of 13,285 employees in this modality.

Currently, 1,679 private companies apply it. The largest concentration is in Quito with 13,324 workers, 6,005 in Guayaquil and 1,870 in Cuenca.

During confinement, work suspension has continued to grow and is the modality most used by employers in this health emergency.

There are 591 867 workers suspended, 159 628 more than those registered in April. Most are in Quito with 202,426 employees, followed by Guayaquil with 136,236; Cuenca with 120,255; Crush it with 52 950.

There are 21,679 companies within this figure, between public and private.

Until May 27, 420 131 workers were registered under the telework modality. 5 927 companies took part: 262 public and 5 665 private. This modality increased in almost a month more than 50,000 collaborators.

Only a difference of more than 42,000 workers separates Quito and Guayaquil. The first registers 126 830 collaborators and the second 84 513 emerging teleworkers. While Cuenca has 21,360 teleworkers and 18,032 in Loja.

Meanwhile, 7 099 companies took advantage of the reduction in the working day, which includes up to 30 hours a week, a decrease of 25%, and now with the Humanitarian Support Law it is established up to 50% for four years.

Currently, there are 222,666 workers who have reduced their working hours. Of these 116,225 are from Quito; 40 809 from Guayaquil; and 27 396 from Cuenca.

But to this situation is added that of untimely dismissal. In this case alone, the Ministry of Labor registers 9,175 settlement reports nationwide from March 12 to May 27, 2020.

Pichincha reached 3,529 layoffs, followed by Guayas with 2,846 and Orellana with 721.

Deloitte’s Global Trends in Human Capital Trends survey shows that 84% of respondents need to reimagine their experience to improve productivity. The use of digital platforms is an alternative.

Source: El Universo, social networks

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