In Ecuador relatives of people missing during the pandemic ask for answers

The Ombudsman’s Office defends a group of families that is going through this situation.

A group of relatives of those who died from the coronavirus, whose bodies have not yet appeared, concentrated in Plaza San Francisco, in the center of Guayaquil, prior to an investigation by the Ombudsman’s Office.

This entity is processing a lawsuit with 30 families about the disappearance of their loved ones.

Zaira Roviro, from the Ombudsman’s Office, indicated that the constitutional judge has been asked to declare the sentence with peer effect, which means that it covers all the people who are going through this situation.

During the sit-in, citizens displayed posters expressing their anguish at not knowing about the whereabouts of their relatives who died from Covid-19.

In some cases, they have not found loved ones since March, when the health crisis began.

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