Tungurahua on alert for increased suicide

In six months there are already more than 30 deaths.

In the first semester of this 2020, 34 suicides were registered in the province of Tungurahua and in just one month, 8 according to data from the National Directorate of Crimes Against Life, Violent Deaths, Disappearances, Extortion and Kidnapping (Dinased) of the Police .

When two suicides were registered between March 15 and May 21, in the midst of the pandemic, those numbers were expected to go down due to confinement and family cohesion. But the reality was different.

Although the province of Tungurahua has registered years ago a high number in terms of suicides.

In 2013 37 people were killed, in 2014 there were 32; since 2015 the figures have doubled, with 66 suicides, while in 2016 and 2017 there were 60 cases.

The highest peak was recorded in 2018 where it reached 73 deaths, while 2019 saw 67 people who ended their lives.

For the National Police sentimental, economic or disease problems are the causes for deaths.

The last two cases occurred on Thursday, June 18 and Friday, June 19. It was a 29-year-old boy and a 10-year-old boy, respectively.

In the case of the adult, his workers found him in the bathroom of his work site, while the minor was found by his mother.

The high suicide rate not only in Tungurahua, but in Ambato led the queen of that city to present the ‘Aid Plan’ as part of her work agenda for this year.

According to Jorge Luis Escobar, president of the Ecuadorian Society of Psychologists, the quarantine did not reduce this problem, but instead suppressed it through the strategy of fear.

She considered that processes of effective attention to the emotional health of citizens should be generated from the same State in order to reassess the meaning of life.

Source: La Hora, El Comercio, social networks

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