Former officials called by the Prosecutor’s Office to give their version on the financing of the 2018 Consultation

Among the persons who must appear is former Secretary Eduardo Mangas.

The Prosecutor General’s Office summoned the former secretary of President Lenín Moreno, Eduardo Mangas, for this Thursday, June 18, to render his version of the journalistic report of a digital medium in which he is mentioned as one of the people who would have received cash of public companies for the 2018 Popular Consultation campaign.

As soon as the news report was broadcast on the networks, Mangas reacted on Twitter and said that including his name in this matter is an insult and slander. He asked for that statement to be clarified publicly.

He recalled that he resigned his position on December 11, 2017 and insisted that he never again had contact or activity associated with politics, because he completely disassociated himself from the government.

The Prosecutor’s Office also summoned Camilo Delgado, manager of the Ecuadorian Naval Shipyard (Astinave) public company.

Previously, the entity reported that it ordered immediate actions for the review of the financial statements for that year, without evidencing any transfer or economic process with values ​​related to the mentioned campaign.

For the same subject, former Petroecuador manager Carlos Tejada must appear; the former manager of the public company Casa para Todos, Carlos Peña; and the former manager of the public company of High Performance Centers Johanna Castillo.

Castillo’s lawyer announced that his client will provide valuable information.

Source: Ecuavisa, social networks

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