Two leaders of the country’s Amazon nationalities died with coronavirus, Miguel Vargas and Jorge Paunchir Vargas.
Miguel Vargas, leader and leader of the Achuar Nationality of Ecuador (NAE), and father of the current president of CONFENIAE, Marlon Vargas, died yesterday with coronavirus.
The former leader of the Amazonian peoples was also the uncle of Jaime Vargas, current CONAIE president, who also suffered the loss of his grandfather Jorge Paunchir Vargas, another of the leaders and founders of the Achuar Nationality of Ecuador.
Multiple indigenous organizations have expressed their regret in various notes of condolence to the family of someone who in life was “a community leader and a man of struggle in the historic process of formation of our NAE, CENFENIAE and CONAIE organizations,” says the statement from the Confederation of Nationalities. Indigenous people of the Amazon (CONFENIAE).
The same organization decreed 3 days of mourning in all indigenous peoples.
CONFENIAE indicated that «the COVID 19 pandemic is taking the lives of our elders who were the architects of the formation of our organizations.»
In addition, the organization called on all indigenous peoples and nationalities
«to take maximum care of our grandparents and grandmothers, fathers and mothers who are the repositories of knowledge and wisdom, historical legacy.»
In the Amazon nationalities of Ecuador, 1435 positive cases were reported, of which 37 have died until July 14.
In the indigenous peoples of South America there are 19,128 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐬 dora 𝐲 1,018 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝o𝐬, according to the Amazon Ecclesial Network (REPAM) and the coordinator of the indigenous organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA).
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