546 employees would remain in the eight public companies in liquidation

The Public Media company is the one that is most advanced in this process.

The liquidation process of the National Storage Unit (UNA), Railways, Post, Tame, Strategic Ecuador, Sowing and the Training Center for High Performance (CEAR) that was announced on May 19 will take more time in order to comply with technical aspects. The only one that is ahead in this process is the company Public Media.

As part of the optimization process arranged by the Government, the Ministry of Telecommunications will assume the powers of Correos del Ecuador and the Empresa de Medios Públicos, so that the provision of services is not interrupted.

With all these parameters that involve the liquidation process, José Andrés López, chairman of the board of the Public Companies Coordinating Company (Emco) pointed out that 80% of the assets have also been valued.

López explained that although the Public Media company is ahead, the rest of the signatures continue with the process in compliance with Decree 1096, signed on July 17, which gives 60 more days to end this process.

But all these changes imply the reduction of payroll. In May, 3 699 people were registered, since then 1,200 have been disengaged. However, López mentioned that 546 would remain in this new stage. This figure is still under analysis by Emco.

Even for the payment of compensation, USD 38 million is planned to be transferred to companies.

He acknowledged that arrears in wages are only registered in Correos del Ecuador, but warned that work is being done on that.

In the case of public media, he said that it is analyzed with the authorities so that radio and television are left with minimal staff and El Telégrafo would be maintained digitally.

Regarding the services offered by the Post and Railways, he explained that the governing bodies of each competition will assume that responsibility and that, for example, in the case of Railways, an associative model is planned, so that the Ministry of Tourism works in a delegation mechanism. efficient.

He said that in Correos, the Ministry of Telecommunications should also work on a process so that the postal service is efficient and generates employment.

Regarding Tame, he commented that in a liquidation process there will always be a remnant of assets or liabilities that must then be managed by the governing body that receives the powers.

As for Tame, he said that the idea is to keep 100 people, since the State does not have the resources to pay more.

At the moment, Emco is focused on the selection of liquidators, a process for which the term was extended for one more week.

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