Police repress students who protested against violence in Colombia

Photo: @WRadioColombia
Photo: WRadioColombia

The protesters demand that the Government ensure the guarantees of the communities where violent acts have occurred.

The Mobile Anti-riot Squads (Esmad) of the National Police of Colombia repressed this Friday the teachers who were protesting against the acts of violence that have taken place in the South American country in recent weeks.

The clashes take place during the mobilizations called by the National Union of Higher Education Students (UNEES), different groups of young people and teachers to demand the Government of the president, Iván Duque, to ensure the safety of the communities in the country.

“We mobilize for the massacres that have occurred in the youth week, because we cannot allow these events, where they are killing us, to go unnoticed, we also mobilize because we do not see guarantees in the territories, we cannot find an answer on the part of the Government, ”said one of the promoters of the mobilizations, Valentina Zapata.

The cities of Medellín, Ibagué, Cali, Pereira, Santander de Quilichao, Manizales, Bajo Cauca, Barranquilla, Popayán, Soacha, Villavicencio, Valle de Aburrá, Armenia and Bogotá, are the main stages of the protests.

In the town of Popayán, located in the department of Cauca, students, teachers and residents of the place protested against the recent murders in Cali, Samaniego and Nariño.

In the Colombian capital, the demonstration paid tribute to all the victims of the bullets and the attacks by state agents. For their part, the Police prevented the mobilization from entering the Plaza Bolívar in Bogotá.

Source: Telesur

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